Sure, I’ve been through a lot now: I’ve started being alone. I have started cleaning. And of course I have long since started to speak French here, so I mean “rade-sprechen”. But I started learning French only today.
Doing it via Skype I found a bit irritating at first, but it’s in Corona times (which I often forget right here in my hermitage, fortunately) for one thing the best way and for another super convenient.
My first practice session was mostly a placement test. I myself am ragingly disappointed in my performance (small negative example: I write for “we go” but smoothly “nous venons”, so “we come”, instead of “nous allons” – CRIME-BEH!). But my private teacher is happy with me. Logical: He thought I would be even worse …
Tonight there will be homework for me. And on Saturday we start with a double lesson. Until then, I will regularly turn my bed into a learning meadow. After all, I have “French in 30 days” (merci, Marie), my language learning calendar (merci, mon mari) and an already well-filled vocabulary book with me. The google translator and are the websites that are always running here on my computer and my TV has been giving me French subtitles since Monday (if you have no idea, just get something out: That’s what I’m learning here, too). Nevertheless, all beginnings are difficult.
Il y a un dèbut à tout.